June Goals Achieved!

For June, 2016 I had two major goals. This was my summer break and thus I decided to make the most of it!

Now the thing is, whenever something big happens with me, I don’t particularly like telling people. Like when my parents shifted cities and I was living alone, or like when I shifted to a girls hostel; I usually just wait for people to find out on their own.

But now since here no one really knows me personally, I can tell you guys yay!

So my two major summer goals were: Getting my hair coloured and getting a tattoo, and I’ve done both! So proud of myself (self high five!)

Photo on 6-7-16 at 12.53 AM #2


‘ohana’ means family in Hawaiian (yes, just like Lilo and Stich!)

So there you go: My June goals were successfully achieved 😀

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